Drive Business Success Through Customer Education

© FORRESTER RESEARCH, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Total Economic Impact financial analysis for a composite organization that earns $1 billion in annual revenue found that the composite organization experiences benefits of $17.9 million over three years versus costs of $3.8 million, adding up to a net present value (NPV) of $14.1 million, a payback period of 7 months, and an ROI of 372%. These results are based on an analysis of survey data from 122 customer education decision-makers in the US from organizations with fully formalized education programs and that are moderately confident or very confident in their organization’s ability to track their education program’s impact. Appendix: TEI Financial Summary Cash Flow Analysis (Risk-Adjusted Estimates) Metric Initial Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Present Value Total costs ($612,000) ($756,000) ($1,302,912) ($1,898,041) ($4,568,953) ($3,802,086) Total benefits $0 $1,865,541 $8,087,634 $12,729,363 $22,682,538 $17,943,699 Net benefits ($612,000) $1,109,541 $6,784,722 $10,831,322 $18,113,584 $14,141,613 Annual dollars of benefits per $1.00 in annual costs $2.47 $6.21 $6.71 ROI 372% Payback period (months) 7.0 Base: 122 education decision-makers in the US from organizations with fully formalized education programs and that are moderately or very confident in their organization’s ability to track their program’s impact Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Intellum, March 2024